Monday, August 27, 2012

Let The Body Guide

Till yesterday I used to think about changing the world , today I have decided to be the change.
Let all parts of me join and observe the change that takes place within my self every moment , all the time.
Let my body be aware  always, never be tricked by the myth called "Mind". For all enemies and friends , loved and hated ones are created by this great Dictator called Mind. But never mind  :-)..... I will be alert and observant . Let the body guide .

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Beyond Eternities

The soft sand of the beach beckons me. I sit down, letting the calm waves touch my feet. The sea, seemingly spreading out to the horizon, reflects the universe above that manifests itself as tiny specks of light spread out against the night sky. Stars, planets, galaxies … all in constant state of evolution but hardly visible from where I am sitting.

God had created the heaven and the earth right in the beginning. And when he reached towards the culmination of his creative pursuit, he created man, fashioning him in his own image.

I close my eyes. Human mind has enormous capacity to surpass boundaries, both physical and metaphysical and express multiple emotions. I set my mind on a journey to touch those boundaries, explore the emotions and seek the celestial, the finite and the infinite.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kinder Joy TVC


Very recently I have made the storyboard for GATTU.

GATTU opened at the 17th International Children's Film Festival at Hyderabad. This film was held in high regards by critics and film reviewers all over the world. This film had been honored with a special mention under Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk category at the 62nd Berlin International Film Festival
In a nation that is obsessed with flying kites, the story is set in a small town RoorkeeUttarakhandIndia, where a nine-year-old orphan, Gattu works in his uncle's garbage-recycling business   The blue skies above the town is dominated by a kite named 'Kali'with mysterious origins. Out of the many kids who dream to defeat Kali, Gattu is more determined. He does fail on number of occasions but one fine day, his will finds a way. He discovers a local school having a roof that renders him some strategic advantage. Impersonating as a student, he sneaks into the school and must now pretend to study. The only problem - he can't read and write! The little street urchin takes up the challenge as when the desire is strong, dreams aren't impossible

After gaining international acclaim, 'GATTU' is released in India on 20 April 2012.

Graphic Novel